Lonnie G. Petersen
Core Faculty
Samuel A. Goldblith Career Development Professor of Applied Biology
Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

lgpeters [at] mit.edu
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Administrative Assistant(s)
Corrine Giordani
giordani [at] mit.edu
Lonnie G. Petersen
Core Faculty
Samuel A. Goldblith Career Development Professor of Applied Biology
Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- PhD, Gravitational Physiology/Space Medicine
- MD, University of Copenhagen
- BS, Medicine, University of Copenhagen
- BA, Physics, Math, and Chemistry, Frederiksberg College
As an integrative physiologist, my research is rooted in cardiovascular and exercise physiology and focuses on pressure, perfusion, and metabolic regulation of the brain.
My line of research falls in two parallel tracks: 1) a spin-up track which is focused on space and aviation physiology including investigating effects of spaceflight on the human bodyand developing countermeasure to maintain human health during long-term spaceflight and extraterrestial exploration 2) a spin-down track which is focused on medical device and technology development, and applying knowledge gained in space for patients on Earth.
Selected Awards/Honors/Societies
- 2020 Arnold D Tuttel Award; Awarded annually for original research that has made the most significant contribution toward the solution of a challenging problem in aerospace medicine.
- 2020 Aerospace Medical Association, AsMA fellowship
- 2019Aerospace Medical and Human Performance, AMSRO Scientific Paper Award
- 2018 NASA Human Research Program, Investigators Workshop Postdoctoral Researcher Award
- 2018 Recorded into AcademiaNet: International network of “Leading Women Scientists” (http://www.academia-net.org)
- 2017 American Physiology Society Environmental & Exercise Physiology Section National Space Biomedical Research Institute’s Gravitational Physiology Postdoctoral Research Award
- 2016 Sapera AudeResearch Talent awardee, Danish National Council for Independent Research.
- 2014/2015 Amelia Earhart Fellow, academic year 2014-2015, Zonta International (incl. research award)
- 1999 Winner of National "Young Scientist of the Year," Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark
Courses Taught
- 16.400 Human Systems Engineering
- 16.423[J] Aerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering
- 16.459 Bioengineering Journal Article Seminar